The Six World Federation of Ozone Therapy Meeting
November 8-10 , 2018
Langham Place Guanzhou,
638 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District
Guangzhou, 510335 – China
Day 1, 8th November 2018 (Thursday)
(Download here the registration form)
Day 2, 9th November 2018 (Friday)
WFOT Conference
Day 3, 10th November 2018 (Saturday)
WFOT Conference
Day 4, 11th November 2018 (Sunday)
Visiting Guangzhou attractions
Day 5, 12th November 2018 (Monday)
Day 5, 12th November 2018 (Monday)
Organizing Committee:
President: He Xiaofeng
VicePresident: Guo Yabin
Secretary: Jose Baeza-Noci
Officers: Feng Jianyu, Li Xinmin, Jiang Jianwei , Xirezhati , Peng Yong, Che Min, You Jian , Lu Jianyun, Zhao Wei, Hao Kenan.
Organizing Committee:
NOTE: We are preparing the Scientific Program. The deadline for presenting abstracts is 31st of May*. For further information, please send an email to: baeza@comv.es
UPDATE (19/JUN/2018):Due to MULTIPLE requests, the deadline for sending abstracts is 31st of August! In order to prepare the congress agenda, please send title and authors before 1st of July!!!
UPDATE (01/AGO/2018):Due to technical reasons, we have changed the venue place to hotel Langham Place Guangzhou. You don’t have to do anything, even if you booked rooms in Shangri-la hotel, as there will be a shuttle service between both hotels, 800 meters away.
SPECIAL REMARK (16/AGO/2018):ABOZ members ONLY, please send your registration forms to Claudia: admfinanceira@aboz.org.br
LAST UPDATE (09/SEPT/2018):Early registration will finish next 15th of September. After this date, all registrations should be done directly in the Meeting Registration Desk placed in the hotel lobby. General conditions will be the same but the room booking should be done directly with the hotel.