Dr. Antonio Teixeira (2022 – 2024)


MD. from the University of Medicine Gama Filho, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Postgraduate in Geriatrics at the Fluminense Federal University (Rio de Janeiro).
Postgraduate in Elderly Health at Laboro University (Brasília-DF).
Postgraduate (in progress) in Internal Medicine at Santa Casa do Rio de Janeiro.
Master (in progress) in Gerontology from the Catholic University of Braga (Portugal).
Member of the Romanian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
Member of the American Geriatrics Society.
2018 Vice-president of ABOZ (Brazilian Association of Ozone Therapy).
2021 President of ABOZ (Brazilian Association of Ozone Therapy).
Founder and Institutional Director of the Latin American Society of Health Thermography.
Counselor of the Union of Physicians of Brasilia.
Director of Institutional Relations at FENAM (National Federation of Physicians).
Founder and member of the Brazilian Society of Integrative Functional Medicine.
Coordinator and Professor of Postgraduate course in Ozone Therapy (ABOZ).
Author of several articles in the field of Integrativa Medicine and Ozone therapy.
Medical Director, GMAV Clinics (Brasília e Recife).
Title of Citizen of Recife, for services rendered in health.
Health merit badge Prof. Fernando Figueira.
Health Recognition Award by the Legislative Chamber of Brasilia.