Dr. Lale Yeprem (2025 – 2026)
Founder and President of MODER (Medical Ozone Oxygen Association) Turkey
International Ozone Associations Board member
MD, Chest disease specialist
Publications in the Field of Medical Ozone:
1. Ozone Therapy – Journal of Integrative Medicine ( Turkish Journal of Integrative Medicine ) 2015 3(1):21-26 Aytaçoğlu S.-Yeprem L. Akçalı DT- Karamercan A.- Karamercan A.- Dıraçoğlu D.-Sabancı A.Ü.-Akay C.
2. Ozone Therapy and Osteoarthritis ( Turkish Journal of Integrative Medicine ) 2015 3(2):31-34 Sabancı A.Ü. -Yeprem L.-Akçalı DT- Karamercan A.- Karamercan A.- Dıraçoğlu D.- Aytaçoğlu S. -Akay C.
3. The efficacy of intraarticular PRP, Ozone and PRP + Ozone injections in patients with osteoarthritis – Yeprem Lale MD, Baeza Jose MD- International Journal of Ozone Therapy ( Presented at the WFOOT World Ozone Congress held in Ancona , Italy, on 21-24 September 2017)
4. Doctor's Handbook in Ozone Therapy 2019 Lale Yeprem MD Naim Ulusan MD 5. Use of Ozone in Medicine 2020 Renate Viebahn,Olga Sonia Leon Fernandez; Turkish Editor Lale Yeprem MD
Biruni University Instructor Medipol University Instructor Contact information: Address: Bostancı Mah. Vukela Street. No: 29/7 Kadıköy – Istanbul Phone: +90-216 410 32 63 Mobile: +90-532 282 33 96 Email: lale@yeprem.com Web: www.laleyeprem.com